The Centre for Educational and Digital Innovation (CIEDix) is established.

Decree 204/2022, of November 24, establishing the Centre for Educational and Digital Innovation.

Mon, 01/09/2023 - 16:42
creacion ciedix

The Council of the Xunta approved the decree establishing the Centre for Educational and Digital Innovation, a new specialised organization dedicated to enhacing the quality of the Galician education system and preparing it for future challenges in the field of research and professional qualifications.

This marks the launch of a benchmark centre that will identify needs, analyse, and design innovative methodologies, as well as conduct studies on spaces, equipment, and classroom organisation with the aim of implementing improvements to the teaching-learning process.

The Centre for Educational and Digital Innovation will have a director and a secretary and different departments associated with the established work areas, with specialised advisory staff for each of them. Its physical headquarters will be in the Edificio Fontán Building in the Cidade da Cultura.

Among its strategic objectives is the promotion of a digital education ecosystem, providing reliable, appropriate, and up-to-date technologies, focused on improving the quality, efficiency, and equity of education. Another key goal is to contribute to the improvement of the digital skills and competences among teachers and students to achieve the digital transformation of educational centres, as well as to the development of the teaching profession through the transfer of knowledge derived from scientific evidence and validated research.