Galicia shares its model of educational innovation with Andalusia
Mon, 01/22/2024 - 14:45
alicia comparte con Andalucía o seu modelo de innovación educativa

The Galician Minister for Culture, Education, Vocational Training, and Universities, Román Rodríguez, and the Minister for Educational Development and Vocational Training of the Andalusian Regional Government, Patricia del Pozo, visited the Centre for Educational and Digital Innovation at the City of Culture on 22nd January  2024. The Andalusian delegation showed interest in the various initiatives being developed in this space to modernize the education system and improve teacher qualifications.

At present, three initial projects are underway. The first of these,  Ágora Dixital, aims to create a portal providing information and content to teachers regarding digital spaces in different STEM-related areas, artificial intelligence, practical experimentation, space design, etc.

On the other hand, the Lenzo project is aimed at improving the digital spaces of schools and the aesthetic quality of educational materials (school websites, virtual classrooms, working groups, etc.). This initiative includes the development of a collaborative portal housing a repository of audiovisual content for educational purposes.

Additionally, work is underway to create two networks linked to STEM: a network of Science Clubs and a STEMbach network. The goal is to raise awareness and promote understanding of the initiatives being carried out, share examples of best practices, and encourage studies in this field.