The consortium of the Erasmus+ project "Blended Learning for All!" and CIEDix explore new pathways for the effective integration of technologies into the curriculum

The consortium of the Erasmus+ project "Blended Learning for All!" visits CIEDix with the aim of exploring new pathways for the effective integration of technologies into the curriculum

Tue, 02/07/2023 - 09:53
O consorcio do proxecto Erasmus+ Blended learning for all! visita o CIEDix

On February 7, 2023, the consortium of the Erasmus+ project "Blended Learning for All!", coordinated by CFR de Ferrol (the Training and Resource Centre of Ferrol) and made up of educational institutions from Hungary (Europa 2000 Secondary Education Institute), Portugal (Universidade Lusófona), and Turkey (Provincial Directorate of National Education of Mersin), visited the facilities of CIEDix. 

During the visit, representatives from the consortium and members of CIEDix had the opportunity to explore new pathways for the effective integration of technologies into school curricula. Following this premise, innovative strategies were discussed to optimize the incorporation of educational technologies to promote a more dynamic, accessible, and inclusive learning environment.