On Friday, November 15, the training activity G2402023 – STEMbach Networks: New Teaching and Learning Strategies was held at the Fontán Building in the Cidade da Cultura. Organized by the Center for Educational and Digital Innovation in collaboration with the STEMbach advisory team from the Directorate General for Educational Organization and Innovation and the Autonomous Center for Training and Innovation (CAFI), the event showcased the program’s main updates for the current school year. Highlights included the creation of a new STEMbach network to support both students and teachers and the integration of the UNED Lugo associated center into the program.
The event featured activities designed to foster collaboration and teamwork among coordinators and program leaders from the various participating schools, as well as the sharing of best practices from the award-winning STEMbach student research projects for the 2023/24 school year. Additionally, participants attended workshops focusing on the scientific method, project design, and dissemination strategies. In the final session of the day, attendees came together to outline the general framework for a potential joint project they had been developing
throughout the event.
As part of the teacher support initiatives, a virtual platform was introduced where participants can upload their projects and share resources, teaching strategy guides, repositories of talks, and activity templates, among other materials.