Visit to the CIEDix by teachers from CPI O Cruce and Bromangymnasiet educational centre in Hudiksvall (Sweden)
Wed, 11/08/2023 - 09:26
Visita ao CIEDix de profesorado do CPI O Cruce e do centro educativo Bromangymnasiet de Hudiksvall

On 8th November 2023, a group of teachers from Bromangymnasiet educational centre in the city of Hudiksvall (Sweden), along with representatives from CPI O Cruce (A Coruña), visited the Centre for Educational and Digital Innovation (CIEDix), as part of the “Adverse Childhood Experience and Inter-Professional Working” project. This Erasmus+ KA201 project, coordinated from England, is developed in collaboration with the social services of the municipality of Cerceda and has partner entities in Sweden and Italy.

CPI O Cruce in Cerceda is one of the reference centres in Galicia and Spain for European Erasmus+ projects and an example in the application of emerging technologies in the classroom, integrating them into the curriculum.

The visit provided a valuable opportunity for the exchange of knowledge and best practices between teaching and advisory staff from both countries, thus strengthening international collaboration in the educational field and the treatment of adverse childhood experiences from an interdisciplinary perspective.