Staff of the State Institute for Quality and School Research (ISB) in Bavaria delves into understanding the Galician educational ecosystem
Wed, 04/17/2024 - 13:11
Persoal do Instituto estatal de Calidade e Investigación escolar de Baviera no CIEDix

The Centre for Educational and Digital Innovation (CIEDix) welcomes a large delegation of teaching and technical staff from the State Institute for Quality and School Research in Bavaria (Germany) with the aim of gaining firsthand knowledge of the development of the Galician educational ecosystem in terms of educational and digital innovation. This visit is part of an Erasmus+ KA1, under which some members of the CIEDIX staff were invited to visit the Bavarian institution, educational centres in the area, and the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich.

The German Institute staff had the opportunity to learn about both the facilities and equipment of CIEDix and the main lines of work and projects of the centre in R&D, knowledge transfer, internationalization, digital transformation, and STEAM. They also had the opportunity to learn about and use resources from the Agora Dixital project; aimed at promoting STEAM under an investigative and motivating hands-on methodological paradigm, whose launch is scheduled for the coming weeks.

The work agenda also included sessions presenting the main programs and projects of the Innovation and Educational Programs Service, the work of AMTEGA (Agency for Technological Modernization of Galicia) on the E-Dixgal project, and the work of the Galician educational inspection regarding the EdugalIA project. The latter involves the use of artificial intelligence systems to combat school dropout.

During their stay, the German Institute staff visited various educational centres in the city of Lugo. A at IES Nosa Señora dos Ollos Grandes school, along with the Galician General Director and Deputy Director of Educational Planning and Innovation, Judith Fernández and Inmaculada Fernández, the delegation delved into the teaching methodology used in the new optional subjects on Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence for Society and Intelligent Technologies. They also visited Colegio Sagrado Corazón, as a model school built according to the New Pedagogical Architecture Plan in Galicia, as well as IES Sanxillao and CIFP As Mercedes, both benchmarks of innovation in various areas of Vocational Training.

Furthermore, the delegation travelled to the facilities of the Galician Autonomous Centre for Training and Innovation (CAFI) in order to learn more about both the training and ongoing education of Galician teachers and the Polos Creativos (Creative Hubs) programme.

Presententación do CIEDix á delegación do ISB


Equipo do Instituto estatal de Calidade e Investigación


Delegación bávara na Cidade da Cultura