Digital Transformation and STEAM

In the field of digital transformation and STEAM, the design of digital transformation in educational centres at various levels and in areas of hardware and software are promoted in collaboration with other entities, within regulatory, ethical, and security and privacy frameworks. Likewise, the development of methodologies that contribute to the participation and exercise of responsible citizenship and STEAM education, transversal to all areas and subjects, with special attention to community engagement, are encouraged.

Moodle, Open EdTech, Google for Education, and Apple in the meeting agenda of the CIEDix team

With the aim of maintaining communication channels in cutting-edge research and innovation in education, the CIEDix held meetings with representatives of the main global learning management platforms and systems. Specifically, in July 2023, the CIEDix team had high-level meetings with Carles Aguiló-Collado, Technology Partner Manager of Moodle, and Martin Dougiamas, founder and CEO of Moodle.

Knowledge Transfer and Internationalisation

In the field of knowledge transfer and internationalisation, models, procedures, and resources for the transfer of educational knowledge are designed and implemented. This encompasses both the knowledge inherent to professional teaching competence and knowledge about the educational system itself. One of the standout aspects is the creation of networks for professional educational development, in terms of both didactic aspects and organisational management of personal, educational, and vocational guidance.

Research, Development and Innovation

In the field of Research, Development, and Innovation, specialised work teams provide support for educational research in collaboration with educational centres, the regional administration, universities, research teams, and national and international entities. Therefore, efforts are made to enhance, design, and accompany the development of resources, strategies, activities, tasks and methods with a solid scientific basis and real contrasts in educational centres.

Experts in Digital Education from the European Commission and European Schoolnet visit the CIEDix to strengthen collaborations

In a meeting held on June 2, 2023, Naír Carrera Martínez, member of the Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture of the European Commission, and Tommaso Dalla Vecchia, Development and Advocacy Manager at European Schoolnet, visited CIEDix to explore collaboration opportunities in the educational and technological field.

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